Information for You: |

In an era where seas and high skies no longer hold barrier to the entire world population, an assembly of people coming from all parts of the world need more than just a host who can understand their cultural background. Innovative, quality service, professional management and attention to the smallest detail are all too essential to be overlooked.
SENOPATI PANDU UTAMA is no stranger to these services. We are all aware that the aforementioned prerequisites are our hand currencies, a mean by which we are doing business with those in needs of Leisure & MICE service. Our domain is the group traveling, group tours, company outing, family gathering, congress, meeting, adventure, outbound training and outbound games.
We have our professional staff ready at your disposal to help you to go through all the above matters.
With extensive experience that attest our credibility, we can leave you assure that everything will run as expected. Moreover, we can meet your expectation while still adhering to your budget and your specific objectives.
Sincerely yours
Copyright by PT Senopati Pandu Utama 2009